The Council of Tempus Protego

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This RP PROJECT is based on The Umbrella Academy's The Temps Commission and Arrow's The Time Federal Bureau. This article or section is using a desktop view as not to make the entire information messy.

The Council of Tempus Protego [1] is a
organization main vision is to keep the
are supposed to happen, happen; and make
Antarctica, The Council of Tempus Protego
come and see the building itself is the
who has the "connection" with the Directors

...........  Contents  [hide]      1  The Beginning of The Council Tempus Protego             2  The Personnel           .........2. 1  Operator        .........2. 2  Directors Syndicate    .........2. 3  Others              3  Jobs               .........3. 1  Technology          .........3. 2  Recruitment

non-govern organization that handle the space-time continuum[2]. The
timeline of the universe on its track and make sure that all events that
the events stay occur that way without any interruption and threats. Resides in
isn't a HQ whose ordinaries can come and go as they please. People who can
employees that has a contract with The Council of Tempus Protego and people

The Council of Tempus Protego

Founded        ..1930             HQ resides         ..Antactica       Created by         ..The Absolute Gifted                  ..Student            Type of organization   ..Non-governtmental       Leader(s)         ..KAMBUCHA                              ..AP312-2516-19 (Sandstone)

The Beginning of The Council of Tempus Protego  [edit]

The Council of Tempus Protego is a non-governmental organization that stayed in Antarctica[3] and was created after World War I. It is under the command of KAMBUCHA, one of the four prodigious savants of The Absolute Gifted Students (TAGS) with his assistant, AP312-2516-19 a.k.a Sandstone. The organization started off by taking an experiment of explanation about paradoxes of universe[4] and how the timeline actually work during their tough time. Based on what KOMBUCHA has learnt about the timeline and its universe, KOMBUCHA was thinking about how fragile timeline could be in the hand of irresponsible travelers who wants to overwrite the scenarios. And so, with the help of other three TAGS prodigious savants, The Council of Tempus Protego was formed in order to carry on the mission to protect the timeline and its history. This non-governmental organization successfully resolved some threats and problems that happen from time to time; jumping one space time[5] to another. TAGS (now Directors Syndicate) hopes with this, timeline of the universe won't be a mess and cause the unwanted apocalypse[6].

The Personnel  [edit]

Operator  [edit]

Operators are responsible to work in the field. Their main job is to annihilate those who disturb their job and bring threats to them. They have a harder trained time the moment they applied in the organization.
.....•  Atropos

Directors Syndicate  [edit]

Directors Syndicate is the one who responsible within what happens. They are the higher-ups of the organization.
.....•  KAMBUCHA
.....•  AP312-2516-19

Others  [edit]




One of the four prodigious savants of The Absolute Gifted Students (TAGS); a current chairman of TCTP.

Jobs  [edit]

The Council of Tempus Protego's main important mission is to protect the timeline and let the history stays at it is without any hands overwriting and change the events that are supposed to happen. In order to make timeline works on track, the agents of TCTP has to time travel[7] and annihilate anyone that poses a threat to their job and the universe history itself. The agents used a device known as a transportation briefcase that allowed them to transport through time and space easily.

Technology  [edit]

The Council of Tempus Protego provides lots of advanced futuristic technology that help the agents to work fast.
.....•  Transportation briefcase
.....•  Weapons
.....•  Switchboard records
.....•  Holograms

Recruitment  [edit]

Briefcase, a device that made specially to time travel. Employee will lost the briefcase if they decide to resign from the job.